smoke bomb

Martin Family / Gwinnett Heritage Center Portraits

Perfect for this Mother’s Day, we introduce you the Martins Family! If you guys only know the level of respect we have for this fam, you’d be blown away! Everyone needs a family to look up to like the way do with the Martins. As these photos prove, they’re truly a beautiful family on the inside, but what makes them so beautiful to me, are their hearts. Their hearts for GOD! They know how to honor Him; therefore, honor each other… The saying, “It trickles down from the top,” really is true. So, when our family is centered in Christ, He becomes our leader in everything which allows the father of the household to lead well. With this family, you can see that there is order and there is faith. I love how everyone’s role is clear and distinct and together, they’re strong! Since it’s Mother’s Day, let me brag on Christy, the mom! First of all, she doesn’t even look like she has three kids that are so grown! She could pass as a teen herself! She is focused, determined, organized, and one dedicated mom to these children. She puts so much time and effort into their physical, mental and spiritual well being, but what I notice most is her prayer for them. Wow… I want to be more like that. I strive to be more like that! Prayer is everything… And, it’s just no wonder that God has blessed them with priceless things in life which is love. I grew up from a broken family, so seeing families like this gives me so much hope for ours and for generations to come. Martins, you guys are shining God’s love so brightly! I pray that you continue to inspire others to live for the Lord! You’re such a Godly example in all that you do… It'‘s truly an honor that you even asked us to take your photos when you’re an amazing photographer yourself! Thank you so much!

With much love,

Craig + Unchong

Randi + Jack / The Estate Atlanta & Jackson Street Bridge Engagement Portraits

Randi + Jack / The Estate Atlanta & Jackson Street Bridge Engagement Portraits

When Spring is here and flowers begin to bloom, so does love… It’s love’s peak season, and we are so happy to show off another beautiful couple to you all! Randi + Jack came into town for their engagement portraits, and we were a bit concerned because of the rain and had to make a few minor adjustments, but it all worked out in the end!

Kelly + Ryan / Ivy Hall Roswell GA Wedding

Kelly + Ryan / Ivy Hall Roswell GA Wedding

When we are on the way to a wedding, one of the things that we wonder about is definitely the bride’s dress! Most of our couples have engagement sessions with us, so getting to know them during that shoot is very special personally and professionally, it’s a time for us to get to know their style and personality.

Ashley + Jamal / Sope Creek Ruins Engagement Portraits

Ashley + Jamal / Sope Creek Ruins Engagement Portraits

The way God created everything is pretty magical, isn’t it? There’s this divine reasoning for why He did what He did with every small detail to being things, and marriage is one of them. For Him to create a man and a woman to come together to become this perfect team is a remarkable thing.

Susana + Arif / Wedding Anniversary Portraits Lake Lanier Islands Georgia

Susana + Arif / Wedding Anniversary Portraits Lake Lanier Islands Georgia

Anniversary portraits are becoming “a thing” more and more, and I love that! Susana + Arif contacted us about their 25 years of marriage, and my jaw just dropped. We have been shooting their family portraits and other special events for many years now, but to think that they’re now married for 25 years was unbelievable!

Brittney + Patrick / Downtown Decatur & Stone Mountain Engagement

Brittney + Patrick / Downtown Decatur & Stone Mountain Engagement

So, I have a name for Brittney + Patrick as a couple…. yup, “love birds”. You guys, can they be anymore lovey dovey? (Is that how you spell that?) But really… They were the cutest couple I’ve ever met. As married couple who are much older than them, it was my first time ever thinking, “Oh to be young and to be in love…” LOL!

Leah + Kendale / Millenium Gate & Piedmont Park Engagement

Leah + Kendale / Millenium Gate & Piedmont Park Engagement

There are many things that we “should” do in life, and planning is one of them. Planning is definitely a great and a wise thing to do, but we must also remember that sometimes or many times, things don’t go according to plan.

Amanda + Eric / The Tate House Wedding

Amanda + Eric / The Tate House Wedding

Have you heard of the phrase, “Go big or go home?” Well, if you haven’t for some reason, this wedding is a good example of that. Everything that Amanda + Eric did for their wedding was amazing. They did not settle for less in any area and rightly so! First and foremost, the most important aspect of a wedding day have been and always will be the bride and her wedding dress.