The Obrist Family Portraits 2019 // Modern Royal Style


Our modern society slowly, but surely brought on somewhat of a new tradition for Christmas. I don’t know about you, but I don’t remember so many families coming together to take photos year after after. Maybe a shot or two in a studio like Olan Mills every few years, but not like the way we do now. Social media definitely has helped that tradition come alive, and you know what? I LOVE IT! First, it’s job security for us LOL, and I think it’s wonderful that families capture their growth each year. For me personally, family portraits move me emotionally so much. As I stare at each photo, I don’t just see the photo in itself, but so many memories and the journey we had to go through together to bring us where we are. Every year, there’s a new story for each family and photos really allow you to reminisce on all the good and the bad and realize that everything is alright after all. Sometimes, these photos prove that yes, you have survived yet another year and that you’re stronger and happily together and that’s something so worth documenting.

Now, me as a photographer’s wife… I do have a few privileges more than others. hehe Yes, I do get these photos for free and yes, I get to have my husband make my vision come alive. If you ask him, our annual (sometimes semi-annual) portraits stress him out more than any other ones that he shoots. I’ll admit that I’m a bit picky, and I can tend to make these things into an ordeal more than I should. ;) But, it’s become such a hobby of mine, and I just love coming up with ideas especially when it’s unique. I think about these all throughout the year…. the ideas just never end. I know what we are doing for spring and Christmas of 2020 as well. I just LOVE it although I can sometimes get carried away and get stressed. But, I enjoy that kind of stress if you get what I mean.

Well, this year, I told Craig that I wanted to go alllllll out in boho style. Then, it changed to a “winter wonderland” theme, and as you can see neither one of those themes became reality. I don’t know why I even bother coming up with an idea before I go shopping because what usually happens is that the “theme” gets revolved around an outfit that I find and LOVE! I don’t know how you guys choose outfits for your fam, but in our home, I choose mine first because “if mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy.” LOL! So, this year, I went on a retreat in the fall, so I went shopping for a few things that I needed and a dressy outfit was one of them. I actually chose the outfit I’m wearing in this photo for that retreat, but as I was packing, I realized that it was too dressy for the occasion and that I soooooo wanted to wear it for our portrait session. It was PERFECT because at that time, Craig and I were binge watching “The Crown” and if you know me, I’ve been a Royal Family fanatic ever since Prince William married Kate Middleton. I don’t follow any celebrity other than them and their family. I know waaaaaaay too much about them. Kate Middleton has since become a fashion icon to the world and to me. LOL! Not that she wears leopard pattern too often, but I just love her elegance and seriously… can fascinators please become stylish in the US? OMG…. I would totally move to the UK just to be able to wear hats and fascinators ALL.THE.TIME! Who’s with me? After I decided to wear that outfit, I could totally see us combining the British and American style… so, we decided to call this theme - “Modern Royal Style”.

Craig was all for it because this is his FAVORITE type of photos to shoot. He and I brainstormed together where to do it, and after a full, large circle, we came back to our original idea to do it at the Buford Community Center. After I got the outfits together and got him to understand the style I wanted, I left the rest to him. Just like I tell our clients that they have to trust him, I did the same. I followed his lead during the shoot and BAM! It was so perfect and I couldn’t believe that what I had envisioned came alive, but it came out EVEN better! I was so happy that I literally squealed, and Craig looked so fulfilled and proud. Our kids get pretty excited during portraits time and being photographer’s kids, they’re so used to being in front of the camera and actually enjoy it. BUT! Just like any other kids… they don't enjoy it for too long, so we had to hurry things up because they got cranky. They did a little here and there, but overall, it was tolerable. It was so cute to watch them help and just enjoying getting dressed up. We have a thing where we take them to Target afterwards and they get a little something for being good. We had one meltdown, but hey… 1 out of 3 ain’t so bad although I shouldn’t have any since our kids are older now.

Wow… I can’t believe this “project” is now complete! I especially want to thank my hubs for desiring to make these dreams come true for me and to just make me happy. I thanked him over and over…. I enjoy being a team with him in EVERYTHING that we do. He came shopping with me for a couple of days as well, and I know it was a lot more shopping that he possibly wanted to do. Our kids think I’m so funny coming home with multiple shopping bags when it’s “photo time”. They’re really good about just wearing what mama asks them to wear for the most part, so I appreciate that too. Now, onto my next project for Spring! Can’t wait to reveal what’s in store.

Thank you for all the love on Instagram and Facebook, you guys!

With much love,

Craig + Unchong

PS - Has it been awhile since your family portraits? Do you keep thinking about it, and then before you know it, the year is over again? Let’s not let that happen, so contact us! Let’s get it on the calendar and make your family portrait dream come true!