Craig's 40th // Obrist Family Santa Rosa Beach Trip 2020

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2020 has truly been a year of things not going according to plan.  Everything we planned got cancelled and anything that happened, we didn’t plan.  LOL So…. I’m just not going to plan anything for awhile. LOL This beach trip?  Yeah, it wasn’t planned… hahahahahaha This photo shoot?  Nope, wasn’t planned at all.  In fact, I wanted to do our photo shoot at another local spot that I had in mind alllllll summer long, but for one reason or another, it didn’t happen.  When this trip got booked totally last minute (because we were considering other options that were way different from this), I just thought that I would take the outfits and see if the shoot can happen or not.  When you’re the photographer, you can do that…. lol!  But, you know, I’m learning to really just let go and thinking “whatever” in a good way.  God is really showing me that my plans are not His and only His will happen, and you know what? His plans are good for me. He has control over everything, and I just need to enjoy the ride.  I’ve become so much more open minded and just free in wondering what God has in store because obviously, His plan will override mine.  I’ll be writing another blog post about the details from our trip, but in a nutshell, this was THE BEST OBRIST VACATION EVER!!!!!  I’m so thankful that we got to have this time to celebrate Craig’s 40th and to give him time to just relax and enjoy one another because he so deserves this time and to be celebrated.  Ya’ll… I just can’t say it enough.  It was amazing and this rejuvenation is exactly what we needed mentally, physically and spiritually.  Hope you enjoy our family portraits, and stay tuned for another blog post that will contain all of our adventures there!

With much love,

Craig + Unchong