Corey + Walker / Piedmont Park and Atlanta Skyline + Roswell Mill Engagement

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Trust is a big deal… without it, we can’t be with anyone or do anything. We simply can’t live! It’s something that no one can teach you and it’s something that you certainly can’t buy. And if it’s broken, it can be the most devastating thing. It’s truly priceless… Corey + Walker are a couple that have this trust with one another without a doubt. You can just see it and feel it - you can sense it all around. They were the sweetest couple to work with and we felt trusted by them too. I LOVE it when our clients can trust us and that’s goal! They trust our expertise with everything, so it was so easy to work with them. I think allowing pros to do what they do is the most freeing thing! We appreciate that about them very much… we had such a pleasant evening with them at Piedmont Park and then ended at one of our favorite parking decks in Atlanta. You just can’t go wrong with these iconic spots of Atlanta as the backdrop for sure. But, what made this shoot most picturesque is our beautiful couple themselves. Corey + Walker, we had the most fun time with you guys and getting to know you more was awesome too. We can’t wait for your wedding in 2022! Wow, can’t believe I’m even saying that number… See you in a year!

With much love,

Craig + Unchong