Doria + Dexter / Downtown Decatur & Mercedes Benz Stadium Engagement Portraits

Downtown Decatur Mercedes Benz Stadium Atlanta Engagement Portraits_0010.jpg

In a person, character is everything. Don’t you agree? Our society may put a lot of value in fame, money, looks, materials and just stuff, but you know what? In the end, it’s your heart that matters the most. Day in and day out, we meet new people. In an instant, we have to become friends with someone we’ve never met before and create photos with them that they will treasure forever. It’s not as easy as it may sound. It’s amazing how little photography has to do with photography business. People skills is huge and people in the end are what makes this job so fulfilling, and let me tell you… after Doria + Dexter’s engagement shoot, our hearts were FULL! I remember them coming around the corner looking so beautiful in their outfits as we waited for them in front of Jeni’s Ice Cream in downtown Decatur. I texted with Doria before the shoot to discuss outfit options and all, so to be able to put a face with the messages was so great! In that split of a second, their countenance told me that they were so sweet and indeed they were. Their mannerisms, they posture, their smiles and politeness all showed me that their characters were superb. Couples like this give me so much hope in our future… it feels hard sometimes to find common courtesy, but not with them. They were so kind that I would totally have our kids spend a day with them to just observe their actions. We had so much fun strolling along downtown Decatur…. I felt like I’ve been knowing them for years, and it was so good just speaking to them like our next door neighbor. We just clicked. We loved their down to earth personalities. If they look this good during their engagement session, I just can’t imagine how amazing they will look on their BIG day! Doria + Dexter, you guys were incredible to work with. You’re the real deal and what great impact you’re going to make especially as a married couple! We are looking forward to celebrating you next Spring! We hope you LOVE your photos as much as we did or even more!

With much love,

Craig + Unchong