Hataway Family / Downtown Atlanta Family Portraits

Sometimes it’s mind boggling to me how long we’ve known some people… Hataways for example… I think it’s been like 18 years??? What does 18 years even feel like? What is it supposed to feel like? Well, first of all, it’s even harder to imagine because Stephen + Amber have not aged. AT ALL! I mean, doesn’t this photo shoot look like a “Siblings of Five” photo shoot rather than Mom + Dad + 3 boys??? Don’t you agree? Really… some people age backwards, and they’re a fine example of it!

But in all seriousness, when I think of Stephen + Amber, I think of the word, “constant'“. They’re never changing and very steady, and you know what? That’s a very Godly trait, and I truly admire that about them… No matter how much this world changes, no matter what the trends are, no matter what’s ‘popular’ and ‘cool’ these days, they stay true to themselves and who they are in the Lord. That takes a lot of faith and courage, and how blessed are their boys to have parents like that? I remember Amber being pregnant, and now their boys are all just as tall as them. UNBELIEVABLE! Even though we don’t get to see them as often as we’d like, we love that we get to see them at least once a year through these portraits. They’re always a delight to be around, and all we do is laugh when we are together, and I cherish it. Stephen + Amber, thank you for giving us yet another opportunity to capture the beauty of your family, and we pray that God continues to bless you in ALL that you do. Thank you for continuing to serve in the church and for God’s Kingdom day in and day out. You guys are a great example to so many, and we are one of them! We love you guys!

With much love,

Craig + Unchong