Joshua / Atlanta Skyline and Mural Senior Portraits

Time… how and why is it going faster? Not sure if it’s true, but “they” say that there’s a hormone that we get as we get older that literally makes time seem go faster. I’m beginning to believe this more and more because the more I age, the more I can’t keep up with time. When I was younger, it seemed that waiting a month for something felt like an eternity. Not anymore… It’s June right now and I know that Christmas will be here before we know it and I’m pretty much prepared for it. As I’m thinking this, Cyndi texts me saying that she needs pic for her son, Joshua. I immediately think that it’s maybe for his birthday or something, but no, he’s graduating. So, I think…. “Oh, middle school?” Um no… HIGH SCHOOL! I knew Joshua since he was a toddler, you guys. A TODDLER! So, to even think that he’s graduating high school was something so unimaginable. When did he get this tall? When did he become a man? A MAN! Wow! It’s harder to think that he got older because his parents don’t seem to age at all. Well, when I finally realized what was going on, I just couldn’t believe that this little boy that I used to know is now entering this momentous stage of his life. Our oldest is entering high school this fall, so I can’t believe that in just short four years, we will be doing this for our girl too. Life is moving fast, but God has it all under control. He has Joshua’s life all in His hands, and we pray that no matter how hectic life can be sometimes, that Josh will always look to our God who will always guide Him and strengthen Him in living his life with purpose. Joshua, congratulations… we are so proud of you! Thank you for choosing us to be your senior photographer and giving us an opportunity to capture this special season of your life. Cyndi and Jonas, thank you for raising your son so well! You guys are all amazing!

With much love,

Craig + Unchong