Lankford Family Portraits / Buford Dam Lake Lanier

Having clients that are going through similar seasons in life makes photographing them even more special! We shot the Lankford’s daughter’s portraits a few years ago, and so when Nicole contacted us for family portraits, we coudnt’t believe how much her girls have grown. They aren’t just tall, they are beautiful inside and out, and capturing the beauty of the family was an absolute joy. Nicole is always so encouraging to us and more than anything, her trust is invaluable.

We went to Lake Lanier for their portraits, and ya’ll… don’t you agree that they turned out so amazing? Look how happy they look! Gosh, their smiles are contagious, and I can’t help but have the biggest smile on my face as I’m typing this right now. How can you not? We understand how precious these photographs are because we feel the same when we look at our fam pics too. You feel all sorts of emotions… we become so overwhelming with thankfulness that you just can’t help but cry. Lankford family, it was a pleasure working with you once again and seeing you… Thank you for making everything so easy with you, and we hope that you love these photos because wow, you guys look incredible! We appreciate your business, and we hope to see you again for more celebrations in your life!

With much love,

Craig + Unchong