Sara + George / A Surprise Piedmont Park Engagement

Surprise Piedmont Park Atlanta Skyline Engagement3.jpg

“Will you marry me?” are words that I longed to hear from Craig… When I knew he was the one, I was so ready to be in the next chapter of our lives. Well, as much as I wanted it to happen, I had no clue that he was preparing our proposal day and it happened when I least expected it. Looking back, I don’t know how I didn’t know! One of the things that he planned was for a friend to record the whole thing… back then, he was a videographer, so he wanted to make a cool video out of it, but guess what? To make a long story short, that friend pressed the wrong button and NONE of it got recorded. Can you believe it? Craig was so MAD! Oh my…. you should have seen him. And y’all… this is one of many reasons why capturing someone’s proposal is all the more important to us. Not being able to have any memory of our proposal was beyond devastating and it honestly still hurts today. You have no idea how much we value this moment in a couple’s lives! Trust me, we KNOW how precious it is, so when George contacted us, we were so stoked. We respect a guy who so thoroughly plan his big day. George was so detailed and wanted to make sure everything perfect and rightly so. This moment would be the biggest turning point of his life, so we too wanted to make it magical for him as well. He had this spot in mind, and it’s one of the most popular places at Piedmont Park. So, many people come to take pictures and selfies there, so one of our jobs was to make sure to ask anyone there to move just for a few minutes before they came so that they could have the place all to themselves. We had to only ask 3 groups of people, but the last one was not very cooperative and we had to be kinda rude y’all, but hey, no one was going to ruin our couple’s day! So, that guy finally moved in a very grouchy way. So, because Sara had no idea who we were, the plan was for Craig to just pretend taking photos of me and when they came he discretely turned the camera to them. It went so smoothly!!! She had the MOST perfect reactions and expressions. OMG… We love Sara so much! Her personality is the cutest in the world and all of her friends that came to support the moment were priceless too. They were all so sweet and it was wonderful to see such great group of solid friendships. Afterwards, Craig went back to that guy that was not too happy and apologized…. :) He was still kinda “eh”, but we think he understood and was ok. :) I hope anyways…

We spent the next hour or so taking more photos around the park! Sara’s priceless expressions continued and throughout the rest of the session, they broke the great news to very important members of their family and it was such a beautiful sight to witness. It made me reminisce on our day and we did that with our parents too… I remembered how surreal everything felt. After 14 years of marriage and 3 kids, there are times when we STILL can’t believe we are married! Sara + George, you guys were beyond fun to hang out with and get to know. We are truly honored that you’d to choose us to capture this important day for you. We had the best time and we are thankful that both of your dreams came true in way that was better than you ever imagined. We hope that every single time you see these photos, it will remind you of how much you love one another and that it will allow you to relive this moment over and over again. We LOVE you guys and can’t wait to work with you for your next big day…. your WEDDING day! Talk to you guys soon!

With much love,

Craig + Unchong