Cynthia + Johnathan / St Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church Wedding

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“Rain, rain go away, come again another day!” Only if singing that song on a rainy wedding day would work! It doesn’t matter how much you plan a wedding… there will always be “that something” that you just won’t have control over. But, isn’t that just life? There are two types of people in this world. One that can embrace the changes and one that freaks out. LOL Cynthia + Johnathan were the first, and we were so glad that we got to celebrate our very last wedding of 2019 with them and no one else! It was cold, it was windy and it was rainy, but boy did we have a good time! Cynthia was THE coolest bride because she did not care where we took her, what path we had to walk on or how cold and freezing she got. If that’s what it took to take a great shot, she was alllll for it! Not many brides are ok with their dresses or hair getting wet, but she was so chill about it, so we appreciated that more than she will ever know! We had to really play by ear the entire day because the rain would come and go or just spit. Craig had to make decisions very fast, but even in that, we all had fun, laughed and smiled the entire time. We tried to serve them as much as possible to make them feel comfortable, sp what a great team work it was! Our couple had 350 guests, so it was quite a BIG wedding! I thoroughly enjoyed their Mexican traditions so much… their mariachi band was the best I’ve heard yet and that’s not all! They had so many musicians fill their reception and wow, it was amazing! All the traditional dances, food and celebrations were very entertaining… there were many familiar faces at the wedding as well which made it even more special for us. Oh Cynthia! You were so beautiful…. in side and out! Thank you for being laid back together with Johnathan. Working with you was such a pleasure and we congratulate you once again. Your wedding day was spectacular and here are your photos to prove that!

With much love,

Craig + Unchong