Mims Family / Sims Lake Park Portraits

Sims Lake Park Suwanee Family Portraits_0024.jpg

For our family, there are “friends” and then there’s Uncle Brendan and Aunt Chae. (Chae “emo” actually which means auntie in Korean.) I don’t even know how long it’s been since we all became family, but words can’t describe how grateful we are for their friendship. To think that we knew Brendan since he was a teen is weird to even mention, but here he is all grown up with a family that he leads so well. We are so blessed by their love in our lives… Watching this sweet family grow has made our hearts just melt. We just can’t get over their little one’s cuteness, and we are overjoyed as we get to blog their family session! We were there even when their girl was born, and what a privilege it’s been to watch our friends become incredible parents and their beautiful daughter grow.

Even though this fall season has given us some amazing weather, we still had some rain and one of them was on their original shoot date. We unfortunately had to reschedule, but God always has a better plan. Rescheduled shoots always gives us fantastic weather, and that is what we got! Lighting was even better than usual, and as you know, that is KEY to photography. The glow was just perfect to make this family’s love shine even brighter…

Brendan + Chae, these photos definitely prove how beautiful you guys are on the outside, but for us, we know the beauty that’s inside of you through all the years of conversations, prayer and fellowship with you. We love you guys so much, and what an honor it is to be able to capture your family this year. Thank you for coming to us, and we are so happy to be sharing these with you and the world!

With much love,

Craig + Unchong