Leah + Chuck / Northpoint Mall Area & The Avalon Engagement

The Avalon Engagement Portraits Alpharetta_0005.jpg

Even though it’s just Craig and I running our business together, we have distinct roles in it. For example, Craig is the one that goes to all the consultations and make phone calls. It’s my job to follow up with them and get all the “paper work” done. After Craig meets with them, he tells me about the meeting that usually lasts about 2 hours. I so wish I could be there and I totally would, but for this season of life, we decided that I need to be home with our kids as much as possible. Anyhow, when Craig told me all about his meeting with Leah, it just made me think how great it would be if I could meet them too! I have been to a few consultations and I just LOVE getting to know our clients. That’s when our clients become friends to me…. one of my favorite things is learning of people’s stories… their life and LOVE stories. I totally enjoy listening to how they met and I’m telling you… people meet in the most interesting ways! Everyone’s story is different and that makes them who they are. That’s why we love the Olympics! Olympics are different from the “usual” sports because they always share the athlete’s stories in depth and that inspires me to the core!

Well, one day… I was leaving one of our kid’s activities and I hear someone calling my name! I turned around and there was Leah! I’ve never met her before, but I totally remember her pictures, so I knew who she was. It was as if God said, “Ok, I don’t know about making your entire dream come true, but here’s half of it.” So wish that Chuck was there also, but it was wonderful to meet Leah in person. Wished we had more time too, but we both had our kids and had to get back home. Planning her engagement session was very easy and fun. First, she knew what she wanted, so there was no problem there. But, I think the whole world can relate right now that plans can change sometimes… It called for heavy rain during her session, so we had to reschedule. Sometimes, second times the charm, and it worked out! It was perfect timing because it was right before we all needed to stay home due to COVID-19. Leah had this special place around the Northpoint Mall area, and we’ve never even heard of it, but my goodness, it was gorgeous and we LOVED it! Craig and I actually was around the area after Leah told us about it, so we checked it out and it was great… it didn’t feel “local'“. It had a bit of a ‘foreign’ look if you know what I mean. After that, we went to the Avalon and as you know, that’s one of our favorite locations, so everything worked out so smoothly!

Leah + Chuck, we are grateful for you! Thank you for choosing us, and we can’t wait to see you on your wedding day and celebrate the night away! (Hey, that rhymed! hehe) You guys are such a beautiful couple inside and out, and hope you enjoy your engagement portraits. See you soon and during this time, our number one prayer for you is safety and health. Until we meet again, take care!

With much love,

Craig + Unchong