Cynthia + Sumesh / Ashton Gardens Atlanta Wedding

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Monday wedding. Say whaaaaaat? I mean, who says that a wedding has to be a Saturday, right?? What’s crazy is that this is our THIRD Monday wedding, and let me tell you… I don’t know how you ever imagined what a Monday wedding would be like, but it was partaaaay time like any other wedding. In fact, it didn’t feel different whatsoever. Many years ago when it was our first born’s first birthday, I remember trying to decide between and Friday party or a Sunday party. My mentor at the time after hearing my dilemma told me, “Unchong, it doesn’t matter. Have it on the day that you want to have it… don’t worry about whether people will come or not because if they really love you, they will!” That was so assuring for me, and he was so right. If your family and friends want to be there for you, they somehow will. Will the date please everyone and fit everyone’s schedule? No, but nothing ever does, so when planning any event, I think it’s important to remember the purpose of it more than anything. Well, Cynthia + Sumesh did that so well… I love how they prioritize things right and focus on things that actually matter in life. We can all tend to invest our time and money on things that in the end don’t give us any joy. But, not with our couple… the ones that they love most in this world were there to celebrate their most momentous occasion of their lives together with them. I LOVED how diverse it was! There were folks from all over the country, every race and culture. That shows a lot about their characters and hearts, and I highly respect them for it. Their ceremony was focused on Jesus and that was priceless and beautiful. Their vows were sincere, their emotions were authentic and their love for one another was real. It’s been such a pleasure getting to know this sweet couple. We had so much in common! Craig kept saying how the bride and I were like twins because we think so alike. Cynthia, you looked so happy and stunning in your dress and Sumesh, you were a dapper groom. Together, you guys make such a beautiful couple. I have no doubt that you will make a positive impact in our world with everything that you do. May God continue to bless your lives!! Thank you so much for having us!

With much love,

Craig + Unchong