Swanee town center

Sophia Senior Portrait Session / Suwanee & Sugar Hill

Sophia Senior Portrait Session / Suwanee & Sugar Hill

Did you know? Craig and I met while serving at our church’s youth ministry together. We served there because we LOVED it! We both love teenagers… my favorite part is just talking to them and seeing their eyes sparkle as their share their dreams, hopes and goals.

Brooke + Jonathan / Settles Bridge Park & Chattahoochee River Engagement Portraits

Brooke + Jonathan / Settles Bridge Park & Chattahoochee River Engagement Portraits

This past summer was a great summer for us… why, you ask? Because we got to meet Brooke + Jonathan at a bridal show at the Avalon! Attending that show was a last minute decision for us, and boy were we glad we went or what?!

Brooke + Nick / Ashton Gardens Wedding Atlanta

Brooke + Nick / Ashton Gardens Wedding Atlanta

There are two kinds of weddings. One where the couple is super stressed and another where they simply don’t. Weddings are a BIG deal! They’re a one of a lifetime event where many feel pressured to make it perfect. But, just like like anything else in life, you can choose to allow that pressure to affect you or not.